Terms of Service Agreement

Welcome to Arizona Apex Investigative Solutions LLC. agency’s terms of service agreement. By hiring our services, you understand, acknowledge and agree to the following:

1. Confidentiality: The privacy and security of our clients’ information is of utmost importance to us. We will not disclose any information collected during our investigation to any third party without the client’s consent, except where required by law.

2. Accuracy: Our agency will use all available resources to ensure that the information we provide is accurate and reliable. However, we cannot guarantee 100 percent accuracy as there may be factors beyond our control.

3. Compliance with the law: Our agency will adhere to all local, state, and federal laws, as well as ethical and professional standards.

4. Limitation of liability: Our agency will not be held liable for any damages or losses arising from the use or reliance on our services, or any inability to use our services.

5. Fees: Our fees will depend on the nature and scope of the investigation. We will provide an estimate of the fees before commencing the investigation, and any additional fees will be communicated to the client in a timely manner. Some investigations require a retainer fee to be paid prior to starting the investigation.

6. Termination: Our agency reserves the right to terminate the investigation at any time, for any reason, and will only charge the client for the work that has been completed up to that point.

7. Client cooperation: We rely on the client’s cooperation and complete honesty during the investigation process. Withholding information or providing false information may compromise the investigation and possibly affect the accuracy of the information provided.

8. Dispute resolution: In the event of a dispute, both parties agree to resolve the matter amicably through negotiation and, if necessary, binding arbitration.

By booking an appointment with us and/or contacting us for consultation or other services, you agree to these terms and acknowledge that you have read and understand them fully.